The North Shore Hebrew School is an innovative school that provides a serious yet enjoyable environment for children to receive a broad knowledge of Judaism in a stimulating and challenging venue.
Our students gain an appreciation for the joys, values and traditions of our heritage as they are vividly brought to life by our dedicated and enthusiastic teachers who are both creative and dynamic and make every lesson a unique learning experience.
Beginning with letter recognition for our youngest children, this program leads them through phonetic decoding, reading comprehension and writing. Age appropriate textbooks and workbooks will be completed throughout the year.
Torah (Bible) and Jewish History
The children are introduced to the characters and stories of the Bible. They are given an overview of Jewish history starting with creation to the giving of the Torah to modern day Israel.
Hands-on lessons on each Jewish holiday will fill the calendar as we proceed from Rosh Hashanah and the High Holidays through the holiday of Shavuot. The students will have a deeper understanding of each holiday and its traditions and customs. North Shore Hebrew School will also host holiday celebrations for our students and their families.
Jewish Values and Ethics
Using the various textbooks the students will read and discuss stories and case scenarios that have practical application to our everyday life. They will understand that our religion is based on a G-d given set of values and morals and that the “norm” is not always in the right.
Mitzvot: Why We Do What We Do
Why do women light Shabbat candles? Why is Shabbat such a special day in the week? Why do we have a Mezuzah on our doors? This class will teach basic mitzvot to the younger grades and provide insightful meaning of more complex Mitzvot to the older grades.
Arts and Crafts
Art projects are incorporated into our curriculum to add to the excitement of the upcoming holidays and Mitzvot. Our projects will have Jewish holiday and Mitzvot themes and will add a taste of Jewish life at home. The younger students will be doing art more often than the older grades.
Extra Curricular
North Shore Hebrew School will offer a variety of extra curricular activities such as Friday night dinners, field trips and contests. These events will allow our students to experience Judaism in its entirety.
A point system based on in-class and out-of-class participation will allow students to reach different award levels.
Ages: Our program is for boys and girls ages 5—13
Dates: Sunday School begins on September 9th 2012 and ends
on May 26th 2013
Hours: Classes are held on Sundays 10:00 AM—12:00 PM.
Tuition: $600 per child for entire
Registration: Fill out an application and mail it to our office.
There is a $25 book fee per child due upon registration.
Registration form and package can be requested here.