Guess The Caption

Submit your caption for this photo and the winner will be  featured in the holy Weekly Schmooze.

Photo 3 - Mar 10

"But the Talmud says it different" - MR


"I give it a thumbs up.  It does look better in pink, but, i'm not sure he'll wear it!" - NG

Photo 2 - Jan 10

"Simchas Torah is finally over" - J.K.


"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Vives, it's only a  game!" - Y.T.


"Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall........" - M.A.


"yes were not having fish for dinner!" - D.A.


"YESSSSSSSS....... I spun and landed on gimmel and I won the jackpot!!!!!" - C.A.

Photo 1 - Dec 09

"I am this close to letting you have it!! as much as i'm there for you...back off!! :-)" - C.M.


My Cholent is just this much better than the Rabbi's speech! - A.W.


"You only need a few coffee beans to give the cholent real kick" - B.B.


"A little more margarita .....  PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEE?" J.T.


"You know what I love about this place....everyone is a bissel meshigeh". M.R.

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